Seven international composers, eight new pieces inspired by scientists of their choosing, from climate change to neuroscience. Golden Hornet's The Sound of Science featuring Jeffrey Zeigler is an evening length program for solo amplified cello with electronics and video. Click here to view. ""If R&B can prime us for love, punk for rebellion, and rock for revolution, The Sound of Science confirms that music can help us cope with and challenge the ongoing attack on scientific fact." Austin Chronicle (full review here)
"The resulting program is as varied and strange as you might expect, and is frequently marvelous. " CD Hotlist album review
"Zeigler is outstanding throughout, demonstrating a command over a myriad of styles and techniques." I Care if Listen Editors Picks
Further praise for The Sound of Science:
- Featured in SciArt magazine
- Selected by I Care if You Listen as one of their albums of the year
- El Nuevo Herald review
unCLASSified playlists:
The Brain:
Her Confirmation:;
Blu Ocean Arts is proud to represent our ground-breaking artists at the upcoming APAP and CMA Conferences. Contact us to arrange a meeting and learn more about these and additional projects.